Saturday, July 06, 2024

Monday, August 14, 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sailing Sailing

Had our first great sail!  Must say the Mirage did not disappoint.  Six knots in 8-10 of wind is impressive.  When the whitecaps started we put a reef in the main..furled a bit of genoa and kept the speed.
Tried anchoring on N side of Portland with stern tie but abandoned it as not secure.  Sailed all the way back to Montegue.  Just as well..around midnight there were strong gusts of wind.  Now if Juneuary would warm up it would be hunky dory!

Friday, June 16, 2023

Selby Bay

After a brief stop in Madrona Bay to provision in Ganges we had a wet dinghy ride back to the boat.  Calmed down overnite but picked up again early next morning.  We hightailed it over to Prevost and are enjoying another idyllic sunset in Selby Bay.  Might go hunting crab manana! 🦀

Wednesday, June 14, 2023